STEP 1: Consultation & Trial Lesson
Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation with our head teacher to learn more about FezEd and our classes.
Organise a free online trial lesson for your child so they may experience the wonderful world of Educational Roleplaying Games.
STEP 2: Create a class
FezEd provides group classes and usually we encourage parents to assemble a 4-5 person group of kids to start their learning with us.
There is an option of signing up your child for a next group opening and when we have enough individual learners, we will start the class.
STEP 3: Tailor Curriculum
We work with parents to customize a curriculum, deciding on the length and focus of a personalized module.
Our goal here is to merge as many of a child’s subjects, interests and parental preferences into fun adventures.
STEP 4: The Adventure Begins
In the first lesson, the students will create their characters and discuss their interests so that FezEd can tailor adventures even further. From then on, the children will set off on adventures and learn while playing an Educational Roleplaying Game tailored specifically for them.
We at FezEd can’t wait to hear from you!
Email: headteacher@fezedhk.com
WhatsApp: (+852) 9782 4013