What to expect from a 90 minute Online Grammar Lesson

  • 50 minutes - Educational Roleplaying Game

    Our Educational Roleplaying Games specifically place the grammar we are learning as the focus of the adventure. For example, the goblin in the bathrobe pictured above, only answers questions in Reported Speech. This means that students need to understand the use of Reported Speech to overcome this grammar challenge and get to the bottom of where his missing paintings are!

    From this we learn and practice:

    1. How to use grammar with accuracy

    2. Finding “the clues” that show which grammar rule you should use, and when

    3. Learning a heap of new vocabulary

    4. Collaboration with your team and Critical Thinking

  • 40 minutes - Grammar Worksheet

    Throughout our adventure we will complete grammar worksheets related to what is happening and has happened in the story. Instead of students doing an exercise in a textbook with dull questions about some boring situation they have no reason to care about, we will be answering grammar questions about our adventures. Students are more engaged and work better when they can relate to the situation. Also, they tend to work much harder when they’re eager to get back to the adventure!

  • Homework (Encouraged)

    Good English grammar can only be formed through practice and attention. For this reason, we do encourage our students to keep an Adventure Journal so they can refer back to each lesson, and what they learned in it. However, we understand the pressures that many students are under, and that regularly completing this journal may be a struggle. For this reason, grammar work is also reinforced throughout the course with frequent recaps and opportunities to relearn what may have been forgotten.

We at FezEd can’t wait to hear from you!

Email: headteacher@fezedhk.com

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