Empowering Critical Thinking
In Educational Roleplaying Games kids are constantly faced with different challenges they need to overcome to progress on their adventure. The teacher sets small, achievable goals and students can immediately see how their actions and decisions impact the story. This is very inspiring and empowering for a child. In this unique environment children develop problem solving and critical thinking skills as they become more inventive in their solutions.
Empowering Collaboration
As part of a team of bold adventurers your child will learn to communicate and collaborate in order to achieve the team’s goals. Through Educational Roleplaying Games the students learn valuable life skills and improve their confidence and empathetic reasoning skills.
Empowering a Growth Mindset
As we grow up, our ability to think is constantly evolving. Encouraging a growth mindset fosters motivation, resilience and persistence, empowering students in their ability to use English. The light-hearted, fast-moving pace of Educational Roleplaying Games take the stress out of failure, encouraging us to try again and grow.