What to expect from an Online Debate Lesson
60 minutes - Educational Roleplaying Game
In the debate course we go on slightly longer adventures. Throughout their adventure, the students will be exposed to two sides of an argument. They will then need to use critical thinking to look at both sides of the question and identify different arguments that show why each side may be correct. Students evaluate the information to determine to which side they want to give their support. For example, choosing to argue for one kingdom over another in a trade dispute, or debating over which alien planet to build a new colony on.
From this we practice:
Critical Thinking
Unbiased Observation
Research & Interview Skills
30 minutes - Debate
When the adventure reaches its climactic decision point, the class is divided into teams supporting each side. The students are given guidance in formulating their arguments, and deploying them in a spirited, respectful manner. After the debate, we discuss which arguments were most and least effective, and how we could improve on them.
From this we practice:
Debate Format
Debate Decorum
How to form and deliver a Rebuttal
Homework (Optional)
Homework for our Debate Courses involves either students researching a topic discussed in class, or summarising ideas and arguments found throughout the course of our adventure. We at FezEd understand the high volume of homework students are expected to do, and the stresses that come with it. For this reason, our homework is an optional part of this course.
We at FezEd can’t wait to hear from you!
Email: headteacher@fezedhk.com
WhatsApp: (+852) 9782 4013